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August 20, 2020 Transcription Services

Video Content Creation & Transcription: The Ultimate SEO Booster

Video content is extremely important and should be seen by as many interested people as possible.  When video or audio content creation is coupled with transcription, search engine optimization and brand loyalty will soar.

But what are the steps to achieve internet success? It all starts with content marketing.

Content Marketing

According to the Content Marketing Institute, content marketing is “a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.”

While endeavoring to put information out into the interweb about a brand, company, or practice, if clear and engaging content is not created, it’s as good as having blank webpages.

Leading brands are utilizing the practices of content marketing for three large purposes:

  1. Increasing sales
  2. Saving on the cost of traditional marketing (print media, radio, TV commercials, etc.)
  3. Building customer loyalty by giving your brand a voice

Not only is it great for business, but it’s also going to facilitate promoting your brand on other platforms. Consider this: a company may likely havea social media presence, a PR team, and is running Pay-Per-Click (PPC) ads on Google–hopefully! When the content is good and is reaching thetarget audience, this material can be shared across platforms as needed.

But what does that have to do with transcription?

Content Creation Via Transcription – Video Content

Consider the tutoring service, podcast creator, legal expert, or video guru, as chances are they are making video and/or audio content that lives only in those forms. Sure, Spotify, YouTube, and SoundCloud are all great platforms for recorded content. But simply embedding a link on a website does not mean that content is searchable. Searchable content? Yes! Searchable content is what takes good content to the next level, and makes it great. You need to transcribe those audio and video files.

Searchable Content & Search Engine Optimization – Video Content Creation

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the “practice of increasing the quantity and quality of traffic to your website through organic search engine results,” according to the SEO professionals of MOZ.

While many understand what SEO is in theory, the practice of achieving great SEO can seem vague. In a very simplified explanation, SEO occurs when content on a website (including webpages, blog posts, image captions, PDFs, etc.) are crawled or scanned by Google bots. These bots will scan your website and content to gather all relevant information. From there, the bots will bring that data to the search engine (in this case, Google) and build an index of your site. Continuing, that index is pushed through a Google algorithm that tries to match the content you’ve created to Google search queries. Hence, you get a ranking for how your sitefulfills the needs of those search terms, questions, keywords, etc.

This is where audio and video files come in. Google bots don’t crawlaudio and videos. All they are looking for are words. So, that doesn’t mean compelling videos and podcasts shouldn’t be created. It does mean that this type of content must be transcribed for your SEO ranking to grow, and in turn, to boost your brand’s presence.

Once a transcript exists of a podcast or YouTube video, Google bots can then crawl that content, giving a nod for various forms of media, and then boost your ranking–so long as the keywords your brand wants to be recognized for are also being utilized.

Remember, some keywords are harder to rank for than others, and SEO will not happen overnight. But when you make all of your content searchable, you’ll have the best potential of earning better rankings in Google search than if you just embedded a link to your webpage.

How can FFranscription help me with my podcast and video transcription?

We’re so glad you asked.

Whether it’s a podcast that gets thousands of listeners or an up-and-coming vlogger, FFTranscription takes your audio and video files and transcribes them to fit your unique purpose, whether the text just needs to live on a webpage, or if it needs to conform to ADA standards. When utilizing the content you’ve already created and morphing it into forms that can be enjoyed across platforms, you’ll be amazed to see how much your audience grows and how loyal your new and existing clientele will be.

Utilize Your Existing Content With the Help of FFTranscription

Since 2003, FFTranscription has been expertly transcribing for thousands of businesses across the United States. If you need transcription services to optimize your already existing content, why don’t you give us a call at (215) 367-4040? We’re ready to handle all the details so you can focus forward!