API Documentation


Now that you’ve successfully used your sandbox keys to place your first request, we’re ready to start placing orders.

Below we cover different ways to place orders:

  1. Submitting an order using a public URL or URI
  2. Submitting an order using a local file


  1. Submitting an order using a public URL or URI

Media that’s hosted on a publicly accessible URL (Dropbox, Google Drive, etc.) can be submitted directly to POST /fileUpload using File.

In the example below, we use a URL for file saved in an Amazon S3 bucket. We will request a 48-hour turnaround time for an English-language file with 2 speakers.  We want 5-minute timestamps (requested as 300 seconds) and for the transcript format to be Verbatim.

curl --location --request POST 'https://tops.focusfwd.com/fileUpload?apikey=[YOUR_API_KEY]&job=API%20Test&contact=test@yourcompany.com&turnaround=48&speakers=2&timestamping=300&format=Verbatim&File=http://fftranscription.s3.amazonaws.com/samplemedia/01%20Social%20Media%20041918%20Group%201.mp3'
  1. Submitting a local file to POST /fileUpload

In the example below, replace [INSERT FILE PATH HERE], keeping the ‘@’ sign. This example will submit a transcript order with the same options as above for a file that is saved on your computer instead of via a public URL.  The ‘Content-Type’ header should always match the media type of the media file you are uploading.

curl --location --curl --location --request POST 'https://tops.focusfwd.com/fileUpload?apikey=eM64kplFxkW6jsCzAKa2ZzQDyVM2q2TH&job=API%20Test&contact=test@yourcompany.com&turnaround=48&speakers=2&timestamping=300&format=Verbatim' \
--header 'Content-Type: audio/mpeg' \

--data-binary '@/[INSERT FILE PATH HERE]'

Receiving a response from FFT

Regardless of what type of media you submit to the FFT API, all orders will receive a HTTP response similar to the one below:

{"file_uploaded": "01%20Social%20Media%20041918%20Group%201.mp3"}

Congrats! You’ve placed your first order using the FFT API.

Having trouble? Email apisupport@fftranscription.com and one of our engineers will reply.

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