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February 10, 2020 Transcription Services

Debunking 4 Transcription Myths

There are so many choices in the universe of transcription firms today. From low cost consumer quality human transcription to US based human publishable quality transcripts, the full spectrum of rates and accuracy levels are available. But with transcription companies everywhere, with many outsourcing your valued files, what choice is really right for you and your firm?

1. Anyone can transcribe. It’s easy and fast.

Humans take 3-4 minutes to type one minute of sound. This means that your one hour meeting takes 3-4 hours to type and then time to proofread. With audio recordings that can be less than perfect, even more time can need to be dedicated.

Great audio equipment, like those offered at transcription firms, help teams type faster and with higher accuracy. We help differentiate between background noise, vocal utterances that may distract from speech, multiple speakers– especially those with thick accents, and more.

Typing a 2-hour sound file could take someone in your office a whole 8 hour day and the result may still not be great.

2. You have to be able to type fast. Really fast.

Again, not exactly true. Studies show that the average transcriptionist can type 50 words a minute but there isn’t an industry standard for how fast you have to type. Transcription companies will set deadlines for transcriptions to be complete, but the main priority is not your words per minute, but rather its accuracy.

3. Technology can replace humans so transcription can be automated.

Artificial intelligence is great. Speech recognition software has come a long way and is still on the journey to amazing. Right now, multiple speakers, background noise, accents and many other factors come into play where typing to a professional level is not possible for AI.

Technology also does not proofread or edit your transcript and place it into the format you may require. While AI can save a lot of cost, the accuracy and quality is far from professional at this point and really not great for multiple speaker files.

4. Formatting is standard across transcription.

At FFTranscription, we offer a variety of formats with the option to make adjustments to fit your needs.

When you are looking for a transcription company that can handle your industry needs in market research, medical, legal or academic transcription, you need a company you can trust to not only deliver accurate results but who values your privacy and unique needs.

That’s why you need FFTranscription.

Ready to focus forward? Get a quote for your transcription needs today.

Since 2003, FFTranscription has been expertly transcribing in marketing research and for thousands of businesses across the United States. If you need transcription services for your marketing research, why don’t you give us a call at (215) 367-4040? We’re ready to handle all the details so you can focus forward!